Trekking Styles

There are mainly two styles of Trekking: 

Camping Trekking

Camping Trekking is fully organized trekking types, with a team of guides, cooks, sherpas and porters to accompany you. Our porters carry all the trekking gear, food, fuel and personal belongings and the cooks prepare hot meals. Trekkers need to carry only a small bag as required for the day. At night, tents for dining, sleeping and ablutions tents are provided and set up mattresses and down-filled sleeping bags, tables and seating are arranged by our staffs. In a typical camping trekking, we start the day around 6 AM in the morning, with a cup of hot tea. You are then provided warm water for washing and all the trekkers enjoy with hot breakfast before leaving camp. The trekking begins around 7 or 8 AM. Trekkers can set their pace slowly having sightseeing and snaps to the lunch spot, we reach the spot to have lunch around 3-4 hours walk. On arrival, you are served hot lunch in the afternoon, after setting our from the lunch spot, you normally reach at the next camp around 4-5 PM in the evening and you will be served tea and snacks are served in the middle as our staff readies at the camp. Dinner time is around 6 or 7 PM, the dining tent is lit with lanterns and comfortably furnished. The food is healthy, wholesome and hygienically prepared.

A Sample Day on Camping Trekking:

In a classic Camping Trek day starts around 6 a.m. with a cup of hot tea brought to your tent, along with a bowl of hot water for your morning wash. Breakfast will be laid on the table consisting of porridge, toasts, eggs, pancakes and tea/coffee. During breakfast we staffs will pack the tents so please have your bags packed before breakfast. After breakfast by 7’ o’clock everyone should be ready to start walking. The reason for this early is to take advantage of the cool morning when walking is easiest; also the morning air is very clear, allowing a better view of the mountains than at other times of the day.
Porters carry trekker's all personal belongings. Everyone walks at his or her own pace and as the group spreads out along the trail. There is a plenty of time to enjoy the views, meet the local people, Know local culture, take photographs and enjoy the flora and fauna. Even though you are with a group you can walk alone. The porters are slower and cook crews (Sherpas) rush ahead to prepare lunch, which should then be ready when the groups arrive at around 11 o’clock. Afternoon trek end about 3pm when you round ahead to discover your tents already set up by Sherpas in a field near village. The kitchen crew again prepares tea coffee; biscuits will be available in the camp.
As we often camp near villages a trip to the local inn can provide some light entertainment. Later on, you have free choice to read book or explore surrounding area. The food provided is a combination of western and local cuisine by around 6 pm. The cooks and kitchen staff are fully trained to the highest standard so hygiene. In the evening all staffs makes fun by singing and dancing in the groups. After that around 8 pm most trekkers turn to their tents to enjoy a sound sleep.

Tea House/Lodge Trekking

This type of trekking is popular in the certain regions of Nepal where lodges are available. Particularly in the Everest Region. Annapurna Region and Langtang Region. In these areas one can trek with a bare minimum equipment and rely on lodge.
Here the porter's carries client's gears and I will be accompanying with you as a guide during the day. We sleep in the available lodges on the trails and eat hot meals according to the lodge menu and we take care of all the arrangements. Every day, trek start between 7 to 8 am. Before that we provide you hot water to shower and hot drinks tea/coffee/hot chocolate with Breakfast. Lunch provide between 11 to 12 am and day end. Obviously this trek will also provide equal opportunity to enjoy the views of the nature and culture. The Camping Trek has richer service than Tea-House Trek because Camping Trekkers pay more for whole crew members.